We offer employee training and an annual Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop

rxue@amcdfl.org – Or 904-471-3107

Anastasia Mosquito Control (AMCD) considers the practice of lifelong learning essential to the positive growth of our district. AMCD offers Employee Training and an Annual Arbovirus Surveillance & Mosquito Control Workshop to keep up to date with new and innovative mosquito control technologies and information.  

If you have already registered and did not pay at the time, but wish to pay now. Please use the form at the bottom of this page. Thank You

Workshop Registration

Fee is $80 per day of attendance

2024 Workshop Registration
Select Days of Attendance
Are you a Speaker / Presenter at the Workshop
Include Dinner? (3/26/22) Tuesday
Total Cost US$

You do not need a PayPal account to pay with Credit or Debit Card


Use this form to pay if you have ALREADY registered

Payment 2024
[whohit]-Workshop 2024-[/whohit]

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